1. The exam is of closed-book format. All you are allowed to use is: (i) a pen or pencil, (ii) your calculator, and (iii) a 3'' x 5'' report card (front and back) on which you may list any information you wish (e.g., formulas, concepts, definitions etc.).

2. When I walk into the lecture room on the day of the exam, you are not allowed to ask me any physics questions after I hand out the exam. Again, do not ask questions during the exam. If you don't clearly understand a particular question write down the way you understood it and you may or may not get partial credit.

3. On the first page of your exam, you must provide your name, student ID, phone number, email address, seat number, and sign the honor pledge. If any of this information is missing, you will receive a grade of zero, regardless how well you did on the actual exam.

4. Chapters 6-9 will be covered on Midterm #2. Neglect friction and air resistance in all problems, unless mentioned otherwise.

5. There will be 7 multiple choice problems with options A), B), C), D), E). You have to circle clearly the (single) correct choice. Each multiple choice problem is worth 10 points. If you are not sure about your answer, please make comments (equations, figures etc.) next to the problem or elsewhere on the exam pertaining to the problem in question. This may allow for you receiving partial credit.

6. There are 4 numerical problems, each worth 10 points. You have to show your work in order to obatin full credit. For these problems you must provide numerical answers.

7. Your exam will be graded by a teaching assistant. After I hand back the graded exam, you should carefully check the answers. If you think you have reasons to complain, you can hand your exam back to me. I will then regrade the entire exam, not just the particular problem(s) you are complaining about. In other words, if I feel that the grader gave too many points on other problems, I will subtract those during the regrading.

Sample multiple choice problem:

If the velocity versus time graph of an object is a straight line making an angle of 45 degrees with the time axis, the object is:

A) moving with constant velocity of +1 m/s.
B) moving with constant velocity of +2 m/s.
C) moving with constant acceleration of +1 m/s^2.
D) moving with constant acceleration of +2 m/s^2.
E) moving with a non-constant acceleration.